
Caritas is an NGO which counts several employees and 400 volunteers. It aims to tackle exclusion and poverty. Within this large framework, Caritas has developed a number of projects and services focusing on the social and professional integration of refugees. Caritas works as an umbrella for a number of organisations working with migrants and refugees. It benefits from a large network of community organisations. Members of Caritas Geneva are part of our advisory group and the organization helps us to contact other organizations working with second generation refugees.

For more information see http://www.caritasge.ch


-The research project will also benefit from the support of the Bureau de l’intégration des étrangers (BIE). The BIE is a state organization which aims to improve migrants’integration including refugees. The BIE works in network with a number of community and social organisation in Geneva. Its benefits from federal links and therefore has an overview of integration challenges at the national level and local specificities. The director (“délégué”) of the BIE, André Castella, has highlighted the research gap concerning children of refugees which aims to be fulfilled by this research. He is keen therefore to support our research and Daniela Sebeledi is part of our advisory group.

For more information see http://www.ge.ch/bie/


–  Hoi Nguoi Viet Qhoc Gia Lausanne (Association des Vietnamiens Libres de Lausanne / Association of Free Vietnamese of Lausanne) has been created in 1977 by a group a Vietnamese ex-foreign students in Switzerland to help the new refugees arriving in the country. It organizes every year the traditional ceremonies of the Asian New Year (Vietnamese Têt) and some other commemorations. Every year 400 to 500 people attend to the New Year celebration. The association helped us to get in touch with adult children of Vietnamese refugees in Lausanne, Geneva and Leman region.

Fore more information see : http://www.hoi-nguoivietquocgia-lausanne.ch/