

In Paris, the Centre d’Action Sociale Protestant (CASP) is an association which counts 290 employees and 100 volunteers located in Paris. The CASP aims to support the social and economic inclusion of people in need including in particular refugees and asylum seekers. It provides concrete legal, housing and employment support. The CASP benefits from a large network of organisation working with refugees and migrants as well as community organizations. Marie Paindorge who is our contact person is the director of the ‘Pôle Asile’ in the CASP which deals with asylum seekers and refugees.
For more information see


The Association Générale des Etudiants Vietnamiens de Paris – AGEVP is a non-profit association founded in 1964, which works since its inception to preserve Vietnamese culture, especially among young people, and defend human rights and democracy in Vietnam. Over the years, the activities of the AGEVP have greatly expanded and diversified to make the association one of the leading organizations of the Vietnamese community in Paris. Members of AGEVP support our projet and help us to contact second generation refugees. For more information see :


L’Assemblée Citoyenne des Originaires de Turquie – L’ACORT is an association which aims to promote citizen participation from Turkey in the French society and raise awareness on living together with our differences. Since 1980, the association fights against discrimination and promotes equal rights. L’ACORT helps us to contact the second generation refugees. For more information :