From May 4th to May 6th 2016 was held the International conference «Youth, Migrations and Development around the Mediterranean » organised by the Ecole française de Rome and the Sapienza University in Rome. Our team has been invited to discuss the study « Children of refugees in Europe » in the refugees’ session with Kirk Scott (Lund University, Sweden) as Chair person and Manlio Cinalli (CEVIPOF, Sciences Po Paris – Ecole française de Rome) as discussant. It was a great occasion for the team to present some results. Each country team has introduced some national results focusing on one particular aspect of the children of refugees’ lives:
- The UK team has discussed educational trajectories of children refugees in London with the presentation « Education and the reproduction of inequalities among the adult children of refugees » (Alice Bloch and Shirin Hirsh, University of Manchester).
- The Swiss team has focused on transnational linkages with a presentation discussing « Feelings of belongings and social networks of the adult children of refugees in Switzerland » (Milena Chimienti, Anne-Laure Counilh and Laurence Ossipow, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Geneva).
- To conclude the session, the French team has introduced some thoughts about transnational political involvement with a presentation entitled Transnational political engagement among the Kurdish-Turk Refugees in France (Giovanna Tattolo and Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Sciences Po Paris).
Program of the conference available here.
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Anne-Laure Counilh (June 7, 2016). International Conference “Youth, Migrations and Development around the Mediterranean” Children of Refugees in Europe. Retrieved January 13, 2025 from